Gratis Ebook herunterladen Fear of Flying, by Erica Jong
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Fear of Flying, by Erica Jong

Gratis Ebook herunterladen Fear of Flying, by Erica Jong
Sie nicht zu beachten, über Führung behalten, dass Sie ständig in jeder Freizeit begleitet? Haben Sie, bis es überprüft? Höchstwahrscheinlich werden Sie sicherlich neue Quelle ergreifen müssen, um, wenn Sie mit der vorherige Veröffentlichung müde sind. Nun werden wir noch einmal das wirklich beeindruckende Buch bereitzustellen, wird empfohlen. Guide ist nicht die magische Veröffentlichung, aber es ist etwas zu viel bête verwalten können. Das Buch ist unter dem Fear Of Flying, By Erica Jong

" once wildly funny and very wise." - Los Angeles Times"A picaresque, funny, touching adventure of Isadora Wing...on the run from her psychoanalyst husband, in quest of joy and her own true self." - New York Review of Books
Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Erica Jong is the author of nineteen books of poetry, fiction, and memoir, including Fear of Flying, which has more than 18 million copies in print worldwide. Her most recent essays have appeared in The New York Times Book Review, and she is a frequent guest on television talk shows. Currently working on a novel featuring Isadora Wing—the heroine of Fear of Flying—as a woman of a certain age, Erica and her lawyer husband live in New York City and Connecticut. Her daughter, Molly Jong-Fast, is also an author.Erica Jong left a Ph.D. program at Columbia to write her ground-breaking novel Fear of Flying, published in 1973. Jong is the author of numerous award-winning books of poetry and novels including Fanny, How to Save Your Own Life, Parachutes and Kisses, Any Woman’s Blues, and the forthcoming Sappho’s Leap. She is also the author of the memoir Fear of Fifty. She lives in New York City and Connecticut.
Taschenbuch: 448 Seiten
Verlag: Berkley; Auflage: 030 (6. Mai 2003)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 045120994X
ISBN-13: 978-0451209948
Vom Hersteller empfohlenes Alter: Ab 18 Jahren
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
10,4 x 2,5 x 17 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
3.5 von 5 Sternen
20 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 261.532 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
This book was apparently groundbreaking at its time, but reading it now I would really say its rather mediocre. Its an easy read but did not resonante particularly with me.
Spannende und spaßige Lektüre! Ich lese das Buch gerade mit großer Freude. Sehr erotisch, aber auch dramatisch und genial geschrieben.
Das Buch hat weltweit Anfang der 70er Jahre Furore gemacht. Es gibt von Erica Jong wunderbare Interviews auf youtube. Damit kann man die Lektüre vertiefen.
Das war, glaube ich, das dümmste Buch was ich je gelesen habe und ärgere mich noch heute darüber, jemals Geld dafür ausgegeben zu haben. Die Protagonistin der Geschichte hat offenbar ihr Gehirn unterhalb der Gürtellinie und jeglichen Bezug zum realen Leben verloren. Kein Wunder, dass sie im Roman ständig von Psychologen umgeben ist. Eines muss ich der Autorin und dem Buch zu Gute halten, es wurde in einer Zeit geschrieben, in der die Menschheit nach sexueller Befreiung strebte und die bis dahin herrschenden Vorstellungen von der Sexualität als antiquiert empfunden wurden. Es hat hier sicher zu einem Wandel in der Sicht auf Sexualität beigetragen, was ja auch gut ist, und zur damaligen Zeit für Skandale gesorgt. Der Verlauf ist sicher der selbe wie bei Büchern wie "Feuchtgebiete" heute. Die Leute zerreißen sich darüber das Maul, deshalb wird es gekauft, obwohl eigentlich nur geballter Schwachsinn darin steht (Entschuldigung, das ist meine Meinung). In diesem Buch geht es weniger um Liebe als um das blanke Bedürfnis nach Sex und teilweise ist das auch sehr ekelig beschrieben. Muss man sich denn immer über so intime Details auslassen?
Da mir der Roman gefällt - und zum Glück die Worte alle noch enthalten sind, gebe ich nur einen Punktabzug für den grottigen äußerlichen Zustand des Buches. Die Seiten sind ausgefranst und nicht korrekt zugeschnitten - es sieht aus, als wäre es durch den Fleischwolf gedreht... Der Einband ist jedoch in Ordnung und man kann es lesen, ohne dass es auseinanderfällt! ;-)Wie gesagt: der Roman ist lesenswert!
First off, I'm a guy, so perhaps I'm off base on this book in terms of how "real" or "true" it is. My apologies for that. At the time I read it, I was a not-quite-but-almost-naive college junior, so perhaps I will learn in time.But regarding this book, I thought it was pretty insightful. After countless late nights of sitting up and listening to the woes of my women friends, I could easily detect echos of FOF in the conversations.This novel spawned at least three sequels. Perhaps someone with firsthand (rather than my secondhand) experience with the issues presented in those books could comment more specifically on them. I'll limit myself to saying that while I did not find Fear of Flying to self-serving or overly didatic, I did find its various sequels to be so, the degree worsening as the chronology did.*Fear of Flying* is an Excellent Book, ladies and gentlemen. I highly recommend it men and women of all genders (who says we only have to have two?).
Jong's writing is witty, clever, and insightful. This was also a pretty brave book, coming out when it did. I think her characters and situations (for the most part) were quite believable. Here's my gripe: Jong's major theme is that women (at least her heroine) yearn for love and security, but also adventure and excitement. What a revelation! I am a man, but guess what, folks? I'd kind of like to have a loving, dependable, child-rearing wife at home while I go off around the world having exciting affairs with other women. Pretty amazing that women might want that too, huh? My other gripe is that Isadora, while (see above) witty, intelligent and insightful, is also wealthy enough to be a lifelong world-traveler, have endless shrinks, countless affairs, and to complain about the accomodations on ocean cruises and Paris hotels. Poor baby; we all have problems like that. Given her social status, it's tough to sympathize with 300 pages of whining about problems that confront all women AND all men. I give this three stars despite the unsympathetic protagonist and because of Jong's writing ability.
As an eighteen year old girl in the nineties, guilty of psuedo-intellectualism, staggering self-deception and a general lack of self-confidence, this book comes as a suprise. A suprise in the sense that I was astonished (and thoroughly excited) to have come upon a writer that has the ability to enunciate with remarkable clarity so many of the self-conflicting emotions that are the confusing, frustrating reality of the woman who thinks too much. Jong's mind wanders around issues of society, family, femininity and intellectualism in a way that will strike any serious member of the human race as uncannily familiar. She makes elusive parts of the human psyche tangible in a way that makes the reader feel that he or she has felt that exact same way before, but has simply been unable to express the emotion adequately. To be fair, while in many ways the author's self-centeredness makes the novel extrememly accessable, it sometimes drags it down as well. Within the light, yet poignant, reading Jong often becomes involved in showcasing her educated background in a way that fails to add to the novel. There is a heavy dose of sexuality, but nothing that offends so much as causes cautious empathy. The main character's musings about her sexualiy seem real, yet her experiences seem contrived. Overall, the novel is essential reading for the frequently self-examined soul. Don't think of it as a work of art by a serious master, think of it as if you yourself have taken every truth you ever stumbled upon and woven it around an extravagant education and a fantastic fantasy of a story.
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